Saturday, December 25, 2010


apa pendapat anda?

1. love comes smoothly?

2. love with fighting?

3. love doesnt care?

4. love make u stupid?

5. love just L.O.V.E?

6. love without fighting?

7. love - simple?

8. love - complicated?

9. love - modern?

10. love - old skool? (kuno)


  1. generally love is very subjective and complicated.....

    sy prefer love tu come smoothly...because mase ni kite akan learn how to love and to be loved...dan during this time, we know how we re-act and how to handle it...and to getting to know and love each other in better way... ;)

    why do we need fighting because of love...adakah kita fight kerana nak mempertahankn cinta kita itu, ataupun fight kerana kepentingan perasaan sendiri tanpa kita respect we know what going to happen thereafter bile kita menang dlm fighting complicated kan...layan tomoi lg best kn...hahha

    love never makes human stupid..but human do something stupid because of love..kita kadangkala mmg x pernah sedar apa yg sedang kita lakukan kerana sayang..mmg ada kala kerana sayang buat diri merana..perlu kuatkan semangat, supaya kita kuat and not do something stupid just because of love....
